How To Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu

Virtualization is primarily used to create virtual versions of computer resources, such as servers, storage, networks, and even desktops. Virtualization allows quicker application deployment and easier scaling of resources when needed. VirtualBox is one of the popular virtualization platforms that allows you to create virtual machines (VMs) that can run various operating systems.  Ubuntu because of its wide community support and user-friendliness is the most preferred Linux distribution. If you want to create a virtual machine on Ubuntu using the VirtualBox, then read this guide.

4 Ways To Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 

VirtualBox is an open-source and free-to-use virtualization platform that comes with a wide range of support for operating systems. Further, it is the best option as compared to VMware in case you are planning to use it for personal purposes or light commercial use. There are primarily four main ways to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu which this guide will explain:

1: Using VirtualBox Deb file

The first method to get VirtualBox on Ubuntu is using its Deb file, which you can download from VirtualBox official site. Here I have selected the latest version of VirtualBox which is compatible with the Newly released Ubuntu 24.04:

Downloading VirtualBox Deb file on Ubuntu

Now there are three ways to install deb files on Ubuntu (apt,dpkg and gdebi), here I have used the apt package manager for VirtualBox installation:

sudo apt install ./virtualbox-7.0_7.0.18-162988~Ubuntu~noble_amd64.deb

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu using its deb file

Now launch the VirtualBox using the terminal once the installation is successfully completed :


Launching VirtualBox on Ubuntu installed via its Deb file.

2: Using the Ubuntu Default Package Manager

Another method to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu is using its default package installer, however apt contains the older version of VirtualBox. If you are fine with using the older version then use this method as it is the easy one:

sudo apt install virtualbox

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu using apt package manager

To verify the VirtualBox installation, I have used its help option to check the version:

VirtualBoxVM --help

Consulting VirtualBox help on Ubuntu to check its version installed via apt

3: Through VirtualBox Repository

The third method to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu is using the VirtualBox repository, however there is a chance that this repository might get deprecated at any time. Adding the repository is beneficial when either there is no other way to install a package or the default package manager doesn’t have the respective package. To validate the repository on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions it is necessary to add their GPG key:

curl -fsSL|sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/vbox.gpg

Adding GPG key on Ubuntu for VirtualBox repository

Now add the VirtualBox repository in the sources directory using the echo command:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list

Adding VirtualBox repository on Ubuntu

After adding a repository in the default package installer it is necessary to update its packages list, in case of Ubuntu execute:

sudo apt update

Updating packages list for apt on Ubuntu after adding VirtualBox repository.

Now install VirtualBox on Ubuntu using its repository:

sudo apt install virtualbox-7.0

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu using its repository and apt package manager

To verify the VirtualBox installation, I have used its help option to check the version:

VirtualBoxVM --help

Consulting VirtualBox help on Ubuntu to check its version installed via VirtualBox repository

Further, to launch VirtualBox on either use the virtualbox command or use its applications menu:

Launching VirtualBox on Ubuntu through its apps menu

4: Through the Gdebi Package Manager

There are several ways to install an application via its Deb file, one of which is Gdebi package manager. In the case of VirtualBox, you first need to install Gdebi by executing:

sudo apt-get install gdebi-core

Installing Gdebi package manager on Ubuntu

Next, use the VirtualBox Deb file to install it via Gdebi package manager:

sudo gdebi virtualbox-7.0_7.0.18-162988~Ubuntu~noble_amd64.deb

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu using Gdebi package manager

How to Install VirtualBox Extension Pack on Ubuntu 

In case you encounter any problems while creating a virtual machine, or you need some additional features and add-ons, then install its extension pack. The patch for VirtualBox 7.0.18 is supported for all types of platforms, download the extension pack from the VirtualBox download page:

Downloading VirtualBox Extension Pack on Ubuntu



Next, open the extension pack location and open it with VirtualBox:

Launching VirtualBox extension pack on Ubuntu through VirtualBox

Now click on the install option to proceed with installation:

Installing VirtualBox extension pack on Ubuntu

To prompt the installation, agree to the terms and conditions of the VirtualBox license and next the patch will be installed:

Agreeing to VirtualBox license for installing its extension pack on Ubuntu


VirtualBox on Ubuntu can be installed in four different ways, which include using its Deb file, VirtualBox repository, Gdebi package manager, and apt package manager. To enjoy the seamless VirtualBox experience, the best installation method is using its deb file. Further, if you need some extra functionalities of VirtualBox then you can install its extension pack.

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