How to Install qBittorrent on Debian 12

qBittorrent is an open-source torrent application that uses the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network for downloading files. Despite its user-friendly interface, it provides a variety of advanced-level options for experienced users which include IP filtering, bandwidth allocation, and scheduling. On Debian, there are several ways to download large files, but one way is using this BitTorrent client application. This article will demonstrate various ways to download qBittorrent on Debian 12.

5 Ways to Install qBittorrent on Debian 12

Usually, it is difficult to download large files on any operating system whether it is a Debian operating system as most of the time the download fails even due to slight disruption in the network. Furthermore, unlike this qBittorrent and other torrent applications, the file download cannot be resumed in case of system power failure.

1: Through apt Package Manager

One of the easy methods to install qBittorent is using the Debian default package installer by executing:

sudo apt install qbittorrent

Installing qBittorrent on Debian using apt package manager

Now, either launch qBittorrent from the Debian applications menu or by running the qbittorrent command in terminal:


On the first lunch qBittorrent, agree to the legal terms of use by clicking on I Agree:

Agreeing to qBittorrent legal notice on Debian 12

Next, the qBittorrent application will launch:

Lunching qBitorrent on Debian 12 installed uisng apt

2: Through qBittorrent AppImage File

The second method to install qBitorrent on Debian is using the AppImage file. The significance of this method is that you just need to execute the AppImage file without any installation. It is more like a plug-and-play. To get the qBittorrent AppImage file, visit qBittorrent download page and then select the desired version:

Selecting qBittorrent AppImage on Debian 12 from qBittorrent official site

Next, a new tab will open named fosshub, from there select the AppImage file for qBittorrent and the file will begin to download:

Downloading qBittorrent AppImage file on Debian 12

To launch the qBitorrent using its AppImage file in Debian you need to first change its permissions, here I have allowed all the users to have execution access for this AppImage file:

sudo chmod u+x qbittorrent-4.6.5_x86_64.AppImage

Changing qBittorrent AppImage file permissions on Debian

Next, execute the qBittorrent AppImage file to launch it:


Launching qBittorrent on Debian using its AppImage file

3: Through Snap Package Manager

Snap is a third-party package installer for all the Linux distributions including Debian so to install qBitorrent from Snap execute:

sudo snap install qbittorrent-arnatious --edge

Installing qBittorrent on Debian using Snap Package manager

Next list all the Snap-installed applications on Debian to validate qBitorrent installation:

sudo snap list

Listing all the Snap-installed applications on Debian to validate qBitorrent installation:

Further to launch the qBitorrent on Debian search for it in the applications menu:

Launching qBittorrent on Debian using its application menu installed via Snap package Manager

4: Through Flatpak Package Manager

Another method for installing qBitorrent on Debian is using the Flathub repository that uses the Flatpak app installer for package installation:

flatpak install flathub org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent

Installing qBittorrent on Debian using Flatpak package manager

Next, to launch qBittorrent on Debian 12 installed via Flatpak execute:

flatpak run org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent

Launching qBittorrent on Debian installed via Flatpak package manager

5: Through Debian Software Application (App Center)

The last method to install qBittorent on Debian 12 is using its software application also known as App Center. To install qBittorrent using the App Centre search for qBittorrent:

Searching for qBittorrent on Debian software application (App Center)

Next, install qBittorrent click on the install button:

Installing qBittorrent on Debian using its software application

Once the installation is completed, launch qBittorrent on Debian 12 by clicking on the Open icon or you can launch it from the Debian app menu later:

Launching qBittorrent on Debian installing via its software application( App Center)

Note: I have tried installing qBittorrent using the PPA repository but when I tried to add it, I got the following error as in the image below:

Error while adding PPA repository for installing qBittorrent on Debian


Note: qBittorrent on Debian lets you download large files efficiently, but be cautious. Download only legal content and use security tools like a firewall and antivirus. Consider alternatives like direct downloads or cloud storage if unsure about the source or legality.



To Install qBittorrent on Debian there are 5 ways which include using Debian 12 apt package manager, qBittorrent AppImage file, Snap package manager, Flatpak package manager, and Debian software application. If you are looking for a GUI method then use the Debian 12 software app otherwise using the qBittorrent AppImage method is recommended. This is because using the AppImage you can have qBittorent latest version and it requires no installation process.


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