How To Install OpenCV on Ubuntu [Complete Guide]

OpenCV is primarily a computer vision library that is mostly used for applications like image and video processing, machine learning, deep learning and object detection. In case you are using Linux operating system like Ubuntu, OpenCV can be a good option to begin with carrying out these tasks. Ubuntu provides a favourable environment for developing applications with OpenCV due to its native support, package management, community resources, and integration with other tools.

5- Ways To Install OpenCV on Ubuntu

OpenCV primarily focuses on feature extraction, object tracking, augmented reality and image processing like filtering, edge detection, colour space conversion, and more. There are five ways to get OpenCV on Ubuntu, which this post will discuss.

1: Through Ubuntu Default App Installer

The first method to install OpenCV on Ubuntu is using the apt package manager that use the development library for OpenCV, to install it execute the below command:

sudo apt install libopencv-dev

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu via apt package installer

Once the installation is completed, you can list the details of the library installed using the dpkg package manager as in the command below:

dpkg -l libopencv-dev

Verifying the OpenCV installation by listing its library info using dpkg on Ubuntu

2: Through OpenCV Core Modules

The second method for installing OpenCV is using its core modules tar file, which you can find on GitHub however, but first you need to have installed unzip, cmake and g++ packages. So to install these packages, execute the below command:

sudo apt install -y cmake g++ wget unzip

Installing unzip, cmake and g++ packages on Ubuntu for OpenCV installation via its source file

Next, download the zip file for OpenCV core modules on Ubuntu and name it with file by running the below command:

wget -O

Downloading OpenCV zip file for core modules on Ubuntu

Now extract the OpenCV zip file using the unzip utility you installed earlier by running the below command:


Extracting zip file for OpenCV core modules on Ubuntu

To install OpenCV via its core modules you have to first create the build file, so for that first create a directory named build and switch to it as in the command below:

mkdir -p build && cd build

Creating the build file directory for OpenCV on Ubuntu

Now use the cmake utility to generate the build system for OpenCV using the extracted zip file by running the following command:

cmake ../opencv-4.x

Generating the build system for OpenCV using cmake utility on Ubuntu

Once the build is complete, you will see a successful message at the end along with the directory path where the build files are written:

Successfully built the OpenCV build system on Ubuntu using cmake utility

Now, compile the build files which mainly include source code and link libraries using the cmake utility to configure the build process in Ubuntu, this might take a few hours to complete:

cmake --build .

Compiling the OpenCV build files on Ubuntu using cmake utility.

Once the OpenCV build file is configured, use it to create a make file for OpenCV by executing the below command:

make -j4

Creating OpenCV make file on Ubuntu

Next, use OpenCV make file to install it on Ubuntu:

sudo make install

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu using core module via make file

After the installation is completed, you can verify it by using the pkg-config utility as in the below command:

pkg-config --modversion opencv4

Verifying OpenCV installation on Ubuntu using pkg-config utility

3: Through opencv_contrib

If you are looking to get some extra modules for OpenCV to extend its functionality or to get features like stereo vision, augmented reality, object detection, and more than you can use the Opencv_contrib for its installation. Here, you need to download the core module file as well as a separate file for contribution modules. To download the core module zip file from GitHub use the below command:

wget -O

Downloading core module zip file for OpenCV on Ubuntu via GitHub

Next, download the contribution modules zip file using the below command:

wget -O

Downloading contribution modules zip file for OpenCV on Ubuntu via GitHub

Next, extract the OpenCV core module file using the unzip utility by running:


Extracting OpenCV core module file using the unzip on Ubuntu

Now extract the contribution module zip file:


Extract the OpenCV contribution module file using unzip on Ubuntu

Once both the files are extracted now you need to create a build directory and afterwards switch to this directory:

mkdir -p build && cd build

Now use the cmake utility to generate a build system for OpenCV containing its core and contrib modules by using the below command:

cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib-4.x/modules ../opencv-4.x

Generating build system for OpenCV containing its core and contrib modules on Ubuntu

Once the build system is generated, you will see the following message as in the image below:

Successfully generated a build system for OpenCV containing its core and contrib modules on Ubuntu.

Now, compile the build files which mainly include source code and link libraries using the cmake utility to configure the build process in Ubuntu:

cmake --build .

Compiling the OpenCV build files for both core and contrib on Ubuntu using cmake utility.

The building process takes a lot of time once the process is completed, you will see the message of Built target opencv_model_diagnostics as in the image below:

Successfully Compiled the OpenCV build files (core and contrib) on Ubuntu using cmake utility.

Next, create the make file for OpenCV build using the make utility:

make -j4

Creating OpenCV make file on Ubuntu (core+cotrib)

Once the make file is created, successfully install OpenCV by executing:

sudo make install

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu using the core and contrib modules via their make file

After the installation is completed, you can verify it by using the pkg-config utility as in the below command:

pkg-config --modversion opencv4

Verifying OpenCV installation on Ubuntu using pkg-config utility

4: Through Pip Package Installer

If you are plaining or already working on multiple projects on Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution, then it’s better to create virtual environments that potentially isolates the project itself from the whole system. So in case of OpenCV you can use the pip package manager by creating virtual environment, first you need to install Python virtual environment by using:

sudo apt install python3-venv -y

Installing python virtual environment for OpenCV installation on Ubuntu via pip

Next, create a virtual environment and then activate it by using the below commands, here you can set the desired name for your virtual environment:

sudo python3 -m venv opencv_install
source opencv_install/bin/activate

Creating Python virtual environment on Ubuntu for OpenCV installation.

Now use the pip package installer to install OpenCV on Ubuntu by using the below command:

pip3 install opencv-python

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu via pip package installer

To verify the OpenCV installation via pip, import its library and then display its version by executing the following commands:

import cv2

Verifying the OpenCV installation on Ubuntu by importing its library and displaying its version in Python virtual environment

Further, if you want to install the extra modules for OpenCV to extend its functionality than use the contribution package by using the below command:

pip3 install opencv-contrib-python

Installing OpenCV contribution modules on Ubuntu for OpenCV extra functionality using pip in Ubuntu

5: Through conda Package Manager

Conda is also a Python based package installer, but it is different from the pip package installer as it is primarily used in machine learning, or data related tasks. Further, it comes with a vast repository of community-contributed packages known as Conda-forge. To begin with OpenCV installation via anaconda, first check the Python version and then create its virtual environment using the following commands:

python --version
conda create -n opencv_install python=3.12.4

Creating python based virtual environment in anaconda using conda package manager in Ubuntu

Next, activate the created virtual environment by running:

conda activate opencv_install

Activating anaconda virtual environment for OpenCV on Ubuntu

Now use the conda-forge repository to install OpenCV in Ubuntu by using the below command:

conda install -c conda-forge opencv

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu via conda-forge repository

You can verify the OpenCV installation by listing the OpenCV package in conda by using the below command:

conda list opencv

Listing OpenCV details to verify its installation via conda-forge repository on Ubuntu

Further, if you are looking to install only core package for OpenCV the use the below command:

conda install opencv

How To Run OpenCV Program in Ubuntu

For beginners, here I have demonstrated a simple example that will help you understand how to compile an OpenCV program using the g++ compiler. First, create a file with .cpp extension using your text editor:

sudo nano test.cpp

Creating a .cpp file for a simple program using OpenCV on Ubuntu

Now add the below lines of code, this is the basic program that loads an image and then displays it. This program uses the OpenCV header file, which provides access to OpenCV functions and classes:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
int main() {
cv::Mat image = cv::imread("[image-file-path]"); />

if (!image.empty()) {
cv::imshow("Image", image);
} else {
std::cout << "Could not load the image!" << std::endl;
return 0;

Once you have copied the code in the .cpp file, close it after saving it:

Saving the .cpp code file using OpenCV in Ubuntu

Now use the g++ compiler along with the pkg-config utility to compile this code by executing the below command:

g++ test.cpp -o main `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4`

Compiling the .cpp file using OpenCV on Ubuntu via g++ and pkg-config

Once the code complied run the main program and as a result the respective image will open:


Running the .cpp code main file to see the code output in Ubuntu

Further, if you see OpenCV header file error or pkg-config error then you have to set the path for pkg-config utility by running the following command:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/bin/pkgconfig

Setting the path for pkg-config utility on Ubuntu to get error free execution of OpenCV programs


This guide explained five ways to install OpenCV on Ubuntu and these ways include using apt package manager, OpenCV core modules, OpenCV Contrib, pip package manager and using anaconda distribution. Also, this post explained how to run a code using OpenCV for loading and displaying an image. The best method to install OpenCV on Ubuntu is either using its apt package manager to using the contrib modules.


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