How To Change Root Password in Ubuntu [2-Easy Ways]

On Ubuntu and other Linux operating systems, there are primarily three types of users: root, sudo, and user with limited or no administrative permissions. The root user is created automatically once the operating system is installed and has no limitations regarding system permissions. So to keep the system secure, it is imperative to change its password time after time.

2- Ways to Change Ubuntu Root Password

The root user is Ubuntu’s default account and is primarily used to carry out administrative tasks that even the sudo user cannot access. To change the root user password in Ubuntu, there is no need to enter the old password, so the upcoming methods can also be used in case the password is forgotten. This guide will explain two ways to change the root password in Ubuntu.

Through GRUB Menu

The GRUB is a bootloader in all Linux systems that is used to select from multiple operating systems and provides recovery options. So to change the Ubuntu root password via GRUB reboot the system in the GRUB menu and press e after selecting Ubuntu operating system:

Pressing e to editing commands before booting Ubuntu (GRUB menu)

Next, move the cursor down to the code line stating: ro quiet splash $vt_handoff and then remove this part:

Initializing bash shell for changing root password via Ubuntu GRUB menu

Replace it with the below code line that primarily boots the system with bash shell along with permissions to read and write the file system:

rw init=/bin/bash


Booting with bash shell along with permissions to read and write the file system in Ubuntu GRUB menu to change root password

Further for validation, check the permissions for the file system by executing:

mount | grep -w /


Checking the permissions for the file system for read and write

Now use the passwd command along with the root account name, next enter the new password twice:

Changing root password in Ubuntu via GRUB menu using the passwd command

After that reboot the system by using the below command that replaces the current shell process with the /sbin/init process

exec /sbin/init

To verify the root password change login to the root account by using:


Verifying if the root password on Ubuntu is changed by logging in to the root account.

How to Show/Unhide the GRUB Menu in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, the GRUB menu may not be showing on the startup, so in that case, unhide it by making some changes in the GRUB configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Here in the configuration file set the timeout style to menu and also add the number of seconds for which the menu will be displayed:

Unhiding the GRUB menu in Ubuntu by changing its timeout style to menu and setting the timeout

Through Terminal

The second method to change the root password on Ubuntu is via the terminal, this method is a lot simpler and easy, simply use the below command:

sudo passwd root


This guide discussed two ways to change the root password in Ubuntu: via its GRUB menu and the terminal. The GRUB menu can be primarily used if users cannot log in due to password forget issues. On the other hand, the second method is a lot more convenient, though the same passwd command is used in both methods.

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