How to Install Steam On Debian 12

Steam is a digital gaming platform that provides a shopfront for purchasing games, community features like chat and game server matchmaking, and serves as the purpose of a game launcher. It provides support for various operating systems, including Debian and other Linux distributions. This blog post will discuss all the possible ways to install Steam on Debian’s latest version, which is currently 12.5.

6 Ways to Install Steam on Debian 12

Debian by default is a 64-bit system, whereas Steam comes with 32-bit system support, you might encounter issues while installing or launching it on Debian 12. However, some installation methods automatically install the necessary dependencies to avoid such issues.

1: Through Snap Package Manager

The first method for installing Steam on Debian is using the Snap package installer. However, you might face an error of cannot install “steam”: snap “steam” assumes unsupported features: snapd2.62 (try to refresh snapd) while executing the below command:

sudo snap install steam

error of cannot install “steam”: snap “steam” assumes unsupported features: snapd2.62 (try to refresh snapd) while installing Steam using Snap on Debian

To rectify the issue, you have to install either the beta version or stable version of snapd on Debian by executing the below command:

sudo snap install --beta snapd

Installing snapd beta on Debian to fix error of cannot install “steam”: snap “steam” assumes unsupported features: snapd2.62

After the installation of snapd execute the install command for Steam using the Snap package manager:

Installing Steam on Debian using Snap Package Manager

Now you can launch Steam on Debian 12 by executing the below command in the terminal:


On the first launch, Steam will start to look for any updates and then install them, this might take a while:

Launching Steam on Debian 12 installed via Snap package manager

Now once the updates are installed steam login page will appear so enter your credentials for Steam:

Steam login screen on Debian

Here is the Steam interface on Debian installed via the Snap package installer:

Steam interface on Debian 12

2: Through the Flatpak Package Manager

Another way to get Steam on Debian is by using the Flatpak app installer, which primarily uses the Flathub repository for app installation, for installing Steam execute:

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Installing Steam on Debian using Flatpak package manager

The installation is normally completed error free but when you launch Steam on Debian 12 by executing the below command you can face some issues:

flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam

In the image below, you can see that Flatpak is giving an error of i386 compatibility extensions not installed. To proceed further click on OK:

error of i386 compatibility extensions not installed while launching Steam on Debian

Next, there is another error of missing 32-bit library that is, again click on OK to proceed:

error of missing 32-bit library that is, while launching Steam on Debian using Flatpak

To resolve this issue install the Compat.i386 extension that serves the purpose of compatibility for 32-bit applications:

flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386//23.08

Solving the error of i386 compatibility extensions and error of missing 32-bit library that is, by installing Compat.i386 extension on Debian uisng Flatpak

Once the extension is installed, relaunch the Steam application on Debian and you can see in the image below that Steam has launched successfully:

Launching steam on Debian 12 after resolving the 32-bit applications errors

3: Through Steam Deb File

The third and easiest way to install Steam on Debian 12 is by using its deb setup file, which you can download manually by visiting Steam’s official site:

Downloading steam deb file on Debian from its official site

On the other hand, you can use the download link along with the wget utility for downloading the deb file:


Downloading Steam deb file on Debian using its download link in the terminal.

Next, either use the dpkg package manager or apt app installer to install Steam using its deb file:

sudo apt install ./steam_latest.deb

Installing steam using its Deb file on Debian via apt package manger.

Now launch Steam on Debian 12 by executing the below command:


Here first it will update the list of packages that need to be installed, so press enter to proceed with its installation:

Installing steam libraries on Debian while launching Steam on Debian 12 installed through deb file.

Once the installation is completed, log in to Steam:

Steam on Debian 12

4: Through Debian Software Install App (GUI)

Another way to install Steam through its deb file is by using the Debian Software Install application. For that, click on the Open With option from the right-click menu of the deb file:

Opening Steam Deb file on Debian with Software install app

Now select the Software Install application and click on Open:

Opening Steam Deb file on Debian with Software install app

Next, click on the Install icon to install the Steam launcher:

Installing Steam on Debian using Software Install App

Once the installation is completed, open Steam and log in. This method is beneficial for those who are not good with using the Debian command line:

Launching Steam on Debian 12 installed through Software install app

5: Through Synaptic Package Manager (GUI)

Another GUI method for installing Steam on Debian 12 is using the Synaptic package manager, which is a sort of apt package manager GUI. For the Steam launch Debian synaptic package manager and search for Steam by clicking on the search icon on the right side:

Searching for Steam in Debian 12 synaptic package manager

Next, some packages will be marked automatically for Steam installation here I have selected the steam-libs and gamehub manually:

Selecting necessary packages in synaptic package manager to install Steam on Debian

Now to install these Steam packages, click on the Apply option and review the packages, afterward again click on Apply to proceed with Steam installation on Debian:

Installing stream on Debian using Synaptic package manager

Now this might take a while and once the installation is complete click on the Close option:

Installing stream on Debian using Synaptic package manager

Now you can launch Steam by searching for it in the applications menu:

Launching steam on Debian installed through synaptic package manager

6: Through the Steam Repository

The last and fifth method to install Steam on Debian is by adding its repository to Debian’s default package installer. Remember that by default, Debian 12 apt does not have Steam. So first add the GPG key for the Steam repository which verifies the software package:

curl -s | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/steam.gpg > /dev/null

Adding Steam repository GPG key on Debian

Now add the Steam repository to Debian 12’s sources list directory by executing the below command:

echo deb [arch=amd64,i386 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/steam.gpg] stable steam | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list

Adding Steam repository in Debian sources list file

Next, update the apt packages lists so that the Steam repository is added successfully, and use the apt package installer to install Steam as in the command below:

sudo apt install steam

Installing Steam on Debian 12 using Steam repository

Now launch Steam on Debian, either using its activities menu or by executing the command below:


launching Steam on Debian installed via Steam repository

Note: While writing this blog, I have tried adding the support for 32-bit architecture using the dpkg by executing the following command :

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

adding support for the 32-bit (i386) architecture on Debian for Steam

Next, after updating the packages list then I executed the below installation command for Steam, but it didn’t work:

sudo apt install steam:i386 -y

Installing Steam on Debian using apt package manager


Steam, a popular gaming platform, can be installed on Debian by 6 different methods. These methods include using Snap, Flatpak, Steam Debian file, Debian 12 software install app, Synaptic package manager, and Steam repository. The best and easiest way to install Steam is by using its deb file, as it can be used to install Steam via both terminal and GUI.


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